No.71 is basically “Denial has a shelf life”. Danny, as Tony, repeats REDRUM—increasing in volume— directly in front of sleeping Wendy. As she wakes up, Tony turns into Danny.
Wendy’s recognition of REDRUM as MURDER (written by Danny in red lipstick) triggers her Trail of Awareness.
The Maze:
Kubrick as Unreliable Narrator:
Throughout the scene, Danny/Tony repeats REDRUM (similar to A54), and gets louder as he faces sleeping Wendy. As she wakes up, Tony turns into Danny. See: Fire Alarms
Danny is the one who writes the REDRUM he’s been seeing. This reflects all of the times we’ve been shown REDRUM through Danny (No.6, No.50, No.64), as well as reflects (A45)where Jack tells Wendy what he’s ‘dreamed’ and how that’s about to come true (A72).
“Mom? Do you really want to go live in that hotel for the winter?” / “We’re all going to have a real good time!”
“Tony, why don’t you want to go to the hotel?”
“You would never hurt Mommy and me, would you?”
Wendy realizes it spells Murder.
in A78, Danny ‘experiences’ the murder of Halloran,
A83 Wendy comes upon Halloran’s body (realizes that Jack has been capable of murder)
the vanity, Vain, and In Vain.
Having Danny take his mark-making choice off of the vanity is a strong choice.
A) vain: caring about how one looks,
Reflects No.69 and the heavy indicator of peer pressure for Jack to “fulfill his duty”.
B) In Vain: futile, without success
Reflects Jack and his concerns over his job and reputation, and equally reflects Jack’s failure to kill his wife and son despite his best efforts.
Wendy wears green plaid shirt, with blue robe
Danny wears white and blue plaid shirt with green and red striped sweater
On the nightstand, a camouflage tank on a blue book
Wendy and her color combination reflects the tank and book.
Wendy and Danny reflect each other, Danny reflects the green in the tank
Not only this, but Wendy’s blue reflects the WW Hallway carpet and the greens and the tank reflect the army camouflage chair outside of the room.
(which allllll reflects the A13 Native American children portraits outside of the room).
Sadness. And usually associated with femininity.
Danny’s sweater shoulder and the tapestry curtain behind him.
We’ve seen this color combo and style before, in cans shown No.69
Bear in snow painting on wall, which reflects both Danny and Bears as well as Kubrick using artwork to show themes of the Torrance’s in other ways.
Reflects the exterior maze sequences where Danny will be running for his life from Jack (A79, A81, A82, A84, A86, A88)
Danny & Bears
Artwork as metaphor
No.30, picture of seated Jack
No.7, Horse & Train as futility
No.80, snow covered homes and cabins as reflection of this hotel being the same as the Torrance’s “Normal home”
Tool as a weapon:
The knife, which will reflect the escalation of an axe.
Ghost Story:
All of this is happening because of ghostly peer pressure— from a ghost that wasn’t the same as the caretaker we hear about from No.5.
Cabin Fever:
All of this is happening because of Jack’s inability to leave the hotel— even though when he had the option, he still chose not to— and even though Wendy is already shown to be a stay at home mother who was house-bound from the beginning.
The scene opens with the camera fixed on Danny as he paces from the vanity to the nightstand and back to the vanity— and then back to the bathroom door. It’s here that he writes REDRUM. He then turns to face Wendy holding a knife, screaming RED RUM in her face until she wakes up.
It reflects No.54 with Wendy pacing back and forth from the opened bathroom to the vanity and running into Danny’s bedroom as he’s shouting “Red rum”.
West Wing Living Quarters Bedroom
Jack and Wendy tour the space- Wendy disappointed, Jack putting on a happy face.
Wendy wakes Jack with breakfast in bed.
Danny and Jack talk in the West Wing Living Quarters Bedroom.
Wendy and Jack talk in the Bedroom about how to move forward.
Wendy talks through her plan to leave The Overlook, Danny interrupts with screaming REDRUM from his bedroom.
The external sound becomes part of the internal scene’s focus.
Reflects A47 and Jack’s telling of The Incident from his perspective. Wendy is heard yelling his name off screen, and the sound punctuates the scene as if you hear Wendy’s reaction from The Incident, but she is yelling his name to find him for protection.
In A71, Wendy’s realization of murder is punctuated by the reality in the threat of murder by Jack axing down the door.