No.51 plays out how Jack feels after the previous scene: trashing a hallway, coming up to the Lobby to see the results of a party leading towards The Gold Room.
American History/Culture
Culture as Decoration:
The Native American blanket-as-decor behind Jack, the artifacts in the display case, are all examples of a conquered peoples’ authentic culture used solely as decoration by the “victorious” culture.
Domestic Abuse
This is an escalation of a previous scene. Jack responds to the aggression and fight with Wendy by trashing a hallway. One can view the streamers and deflated balloons as his ego serving up ‘rewards’.
The Maze:
Kubrick as Unreliable Narrator:
Jack’s response the previous scene is to be destructive. It’s the escalation of No.26 where he’s throwing the tennis ball down the same space from boredom.
The balloons and streamers as visually euphemistic bodies and blood. The balloons are deflated and the streamers are dropped in shiny clumps.
Kubrick’s Aesthetic:
The Native American pattern on the blanket is the “Medicine Man” symbol, but it mimics the green plaid in Wendy’s (and Jack’s shirt).
The dog portraits reflect the bird portrait and pheasant centerpieces shown No.23. The predator + the prey.
As Jack walks towards The Lobby, there are 2 sets of paintings. The first set is a pair of calm green and blue abstract landscapes, but as he moves towards The Lobby, the new pair of paintings are red, orange, and more violent (if still abstract) imagery.
Semiotic Splice
“Wendy, once you rule out his version of what happened, there is no other explanation - is there?
It wouldn't be that different from the episode that he had before we came up here, would it?”
This semiotic splice moment reflects two scenes: one with Danny talking to Tony in the bathroom and the necessity of the Social Worker / Doctor to begin with— and then the Social Worker / Doctor and Wendy’s conversation “Oh you should have seen him” / “I know kids can scare you to death, but these episodes..etc”
This all allows us to know about ‘The Incident’ which resulted in Danny’s dislocated shoulder, the onset of Tony, and Danny’s removal from school.
In both cases, Jack is involved and is directly related to Danny’s behavior and reactions. In A6/A7, Wendy is unaware that Danny’s episode is a result of talking to Tony about the family moving to the hotel. In The Incident, Danny is around Jack’s work and Jack acts aggressively.
So no, it wouldn’t be that different- especially noting that Jack’s role is diminished by both him AND Wendy at the detriment of Danny.
Color Palette reflection:
Jack’s jacket (deep red) and the Native American blanket (green), reflect the bathrooms shown in Room 237 (green) and The Gold Room (red).
Ghost Story
Balloons, streamers, and music all denote guest activity coming from the Gold Room.
Cabin Fever
The isolation Jack is enduring is making him see things— but if you take it into a grander context, the ‘cabin fever symptoms’ appear in response to stressors in his family life
This scene has Jack walking through hallways, coming into The Lobby, and slowly walking towards The Gold Room. The camera backs away from Jack the entire time.
Its structure reflects No.26, as Jack throws a tennis ball down the same space-- from the opposite direction. The hallway here is littered with deflated balloons and puddles of streamers, yet in No.26 it has references to Halloran (who will be killed in this same location), Danny, and Wendy.
The camera moving slowly (as the character’s point of view) reflects Danny being lured into Room 237 by the tennis ball.
The Lobby
The scene is shot in silence letting the coffee rings hit the floor with loud zings. Then wind heard rustling, then faint 1930’s music.
The Masquerade, which metaphorically is about concealing ones self for fun, foreshadows A53, A65. Additionally, it could speak to Jack and the mirror symbolism, in that when Jack and his reflection has been shown, a masquerade of personality is also shown.
Hearing 1920’s / 1930’s music reflects the black and white photos shown No.5 and No.11, continued No.53, and cemented in the final scene. No.91:i2139