
Halloran lands and talks with his friend about securing a ride to The Overlook.

American History/Culture

Color Palette Reflection:

Red, white and blue- as the plane lands, as Durkin’s Garage is established and especially inside the space. 

Red and gold in the Master Charge logo

Same color choice within the Continental plane, both are actual brands for the time, but chosen for color.

Halloran’s Status:

Halloran has resources that are not available to the Torrance’s; 

the money to pay for the immediate plane ticket, the social resources in outside care and friendship that can help you out. 

Sexualized Imagery:

A man looks at a softcore pornography pin up calendar. 

Domestic Abuse:


The Maze:

Kubrick as Unreliable Narrator:

Semiotic Splice:

Halloran tells Durkin that Ullman phoned him to tell him that the Torrance’s are unreliable assholes. 

Ullman never phoned him, but the Torrance’s ARE unreliable assholes. 


Much like the Forest Ranger conversation, Halloran provides another concrete reference for time. 

Kubrick’s Aesthetic:

Halloran and Durkin wear the same color blue, showing connection to each other. 

Ghost Story:

The Torrance’s problems are due to ghosts, not Jack. 

Cabin Fever:

Halloran has access to freedom and travel, the Torrance’s are dealing with struggle because Jack does not. 

Halloran as Spiritual Father to Danny:

Halloran has shown (and continues to show) how he acts out of care and protection for Danny. 

Jack acts solely to harm Danny and protect himself. 

No.17 Compared to No.9 (Where Halloran offers a treat and Jack offers nothing but snark when Danny tells him he’s hungry)

No.19 Compared to No.41- Danny is guarded but open, compared to No.41 where Danny is terrified. 

No.49 Compared to No.50. Halloran acts out of concern, Jack acts out of defensiveness .

No.54 Compared to No.53  Halloran connects with the ranger, Jack connects with his rage-self. 

No.56 Compared to No.55, Halloran reconnects with the ranger (and gives the viewer a time stamp in reality), whereas Jack disconnects the radio (and perhaps, his last remaining tether to reality). 

No.78 Compared to No.79.  

Halloran’s Status

He’s the Head Chef of The Overlook, but he’s treated like “the help” in The Closing Day sequences. Halloran is shown in a separate Miami condo, but he’s referred to as a “N*gger Cook” by Grady.  

Speaks to American History and that black people have to work twice as hard to be seen as half as good.

Compare how Ullman speaks to Halloran in A17

Compare with A53 and how Grady and Jack speak about Halloran








This camera establishes the external shot of the airplane and cuts to the interior. 

The interior of the plane mimics the color palette of No.44’s color palette.  

Durkin’s Garage



No additional sound is added.

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