No.44 is another famous scene involving Danny playing on the 2nd floor hallway. A tennis ball roll towards him and he’s lured to Room 237.
American History/Culture
Danny wears a handmade sweater
Danny’s sweater has Apollo 11 on it, a reference to the Apollo 11 space mission.
Aligned with Danny’s face is a portrait of a Native American child. The style of the portrait is more authentic than the ones shown No.80
Domestic Abuse
When Danny is scared, he calls for his mother.
The Maze
Kubrick as Unreliable Narrator:
The tennis ball is associated with Jack.
Danny brings up Room 237, but we’re not shown any info about it. We don’t even see it in this scene.
Danny plays right by the elevator.
The brown plaid chairs are the same pattern as the chairs within the blood elevator hallway.
Compression & Extension:
Kubrick uses sound to expand the themes or ideas of a scene into another. Much like how he uses the same music and stops it with The Doctor, here he extends the music to connect the trepidation and fear with the next scene, Jack telling Wendy about how he dreamed he killed her and Danny.
Kubrick’s Aesthetic
The pattern of the carpet makes the space feel like an optical illusion in that you can’t tell which direction is really where.
The layering around Room 237 is heavy. From the first time we are shown Room 237, it’s assumed that The Grady Girls are connected to the space, but they aren’t. They’re connected with the West Wing Living Quarters.This is the false fatalism.
We see Danny interact with Jack in Room 237 and are shown a symbol that connects with Jack, harm, and boredom.
“What about Room 237” and “Is there something bad here?” both connect to Jack.
Color Palette reflection:
Danny’s sweater is the same blue as his trike. Danny is stationery, but the visuals connect to previous scenes.
Danny’s collared shirt is the same brown plaid as the chairs.
Blue:Sadness, or at the most obvious: emotional heaviness.
Orange: Danger/Warning
Red: Danger/Violence
Brown: Grounding/Natural
Yellow: The yellow tennis ball
Ghost Story
Who lures Danny into Room 237 with a tennis ball is anyone’s guess.
Cabin Fever
Jack’s insomnia and distant behavior can be thought of as a result of Cabin Fever, but Wendy and Danny have always been shown at home, insulated from going out.
The camera is above Danny, watching him play with toy cars. The surroundings are completely removed from the shot. The camera follows him as Danny stands, first backing away as he walks towards Room 237 and then becoming Dannys point of view as he looks into Room 237. The music carries the scene through its transition to the next one: Wendy in the Boiler Room and Jack screaming in the Colorado Lounge.
The 2nd floor hallway
Utrenja II: Ewangelica