
Wendy discovers Jack’s sabotage.

American History/Culture:

Jack dismantling the snowcat shows that while Wendy knows how to drive a car, she probably won’t be able to fix this- let alone determine what the “this” is that is broken to begin with. 

Jack takes advantage of this in his “look what I did” showcasing of his dismantling the distributor cap of the Snowcat. 

Red, White, and Blue: 

The red white and blue formed within the design of the sysco boxes, but the walls, the blue maxwell house cans, the cans of kool-aid, the red in right foreground, and Jack’s jeans. 

Domestic Abuse:

Reflects the same feelings of Wendy walking into The Colorado Lounge (No.63).  The disorientation and realization that her husband could sabotage and try and harm the family in this way- even though A7, A31, A44, A45, A46, A47, A50 all show how much Jack does not care bout his family. Which supports Wendy’s denial, A64’s “You’ve had your whole fucking life”. This scene is where things “start to get real” for Wendy.  

The camera zoom in on Wendy’s face as she is forced to deal with the reality of her situation focuses on this.

The Maze:

Kubrick as Unreliable Narrator:

Kubrick showing A55 but having Jack tell us he also sabotaged the snowcat is another instance of Kubrick being an unreliable narrator. There are blank spots in our knowledge and he exploits it. 

Kubrick’s Aesthetic:

Both Jack and Wendy are shown on the floor, incapacitated to move. In Jack’s case, it’s because Wendy hit him with the bat to protect herself and in falling down the stairs, hurt his ankle. In Wendy’s case, it’s her sadness. 


Red + Black:

the snowcat is both red and black

the gate is black, the shelving is black, 

the arrow, fire extinguisher, and the can underneath are all red. 

Pattern Reflection:

The black gate, creates a diamond pattern (or, the medicine man symbol)

seen in red and black Native American pattern: A53:i1092, A66:i1561, A81:i1828, A91:i2138

green and white native american pattern A51:i1055, A83:i1884

Medicine man symbol in the black door she just left: A66:i1562, i1563

Ghost Story:

The Torrance’s problems are due to ghosts, not Jack. 

Cabin Fever:

Jack’s mental state has been affected to the point where he sabotages his own safety as well as his family’s. 


Jack will be running out of this same hallway to chase Danny into The Hedge Maze. 

Amalgamated Space:

This hallway contains objects and references from other spaces shown within the film. 

Red and Black pattern Native American blanket:

A53:i1092 as Grady and Jack enter the bathroom

A91:2138 left side blanket is same as i1561

Native American children portraits:

seen in A13:i295, i298

seen in A80:i1818.1 but reversed.

The Dog Portrait:


The Native American Blanket:

A6:i163- in the Elevator blood hallway

Referenced in A91:2138, right side blanket

Pheasant Centerpiece 











Wendy runs through hallway connected to the kitchen in an unknown way. 

The camera is positioned at the corner, waiting for Wendy to run in front of it. 

It follows her outside, to witness her bewilderment at how disorientating the snow is. 


Having the camera positioned in the garage - seeing Wendy come towards it- shows the reality of the situation, and literally she is “catching up” on it. 

Similar set up to A46 how the camera is positioned at the end of the hallway and Jack walks towards it- the logical conclusion of Jack headed to the bar because “he wasn’t in the greatest of moods that night”

The Exit Hallway

The Maze Exterior 

The same space:









Polymorphia layered with De Sonoris #1

It’s the same sound played as Danny encounters the Grady Girls. 

The use of this in these scenes creates the feeling of new information being received, but not seeing the whole picture. 

Danny is confronted with The Grady Girls and is confused with what information he should be trusting. The viewer is confused.

For No.66, Stainforth and Kubrick layered De Natura Sonoris #1 with Polymorphia to accentuate Wendy’s rising panic. 

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